Sunday, April 4, 2010

Keeping my Promise

At the AAC Conference, I said I would help right a great injustice to the adoption triad, especially birthmothers and adoptees.  I am working on an article that I hope will be published in a major magazine.  I expect many of you have done that too.  On a smaller scale, Joy Miller, an adoptee, and I are co-hosting a public meeting at our local library on Sunday, April 25, 2010 to talk about what we learned at the AAC Conference.  I will be adding links to organizations on our attendee list.  Please be patient as I learn how to make the components of this blog do what I want them to do.  So far I have not mastered that.  It is somewhat like a cat that does as it pleases or nothing at all.  I will keep working at it!  Be sure to check Joy's blog, Adoption Experience Workshop.

I have learned that the estimated population of Missouri in 2009 was about 6 million, which is the estimated number of adoptees in the United States.  If there are a million and a half adoptees that cannot get their birth certificates, that is equal to Idaho's population. 

Until next time,

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